Precision Solutions: Roles During Harvest

Members of the FMH Precision team share what is happening in their respective areas during harvest to support our farmers and agents.

Planting the Seed - October 2017

During harvest, crop insurance needs vary from reporting production data to adjusting losses. Everyone plays their part to make sure all processes run smoothly for the farmer. Below, a few members of the FMH Precision team share what is happening in their respective areas during this time to support our farmers and agents.

What are farmers doing right now?

During harvest, farmers using precision technology need to calibrate their combines and record harvest production to make sure they are capturing all the data needed to complete Automated Crop Reporting (ACR) for production or a Precision Claim.

In some areas of the country, they are also planting wheat. They need to record their wheat planting data for reporting acres via ACR.

What are agents doing right now?

Precision agents are in the process of printing map books for their farmers, as well as processing precision data for production reporting using ACR. If they have winter crops in their area, they are also accepting acreage reporting data. This time of year is also a good time to introduce interested producers to the Precision Solutions processes.

What is FMH doing right now?

shannon_circleField Claims Supervisors
“We have a lot of one-on-one interaction with both the farmer and the agent in explaining the Precision Claims process. The interactions involve answering all claim-related questions for Precision Claims along with helping with farmer and agent meetings in explaining Precision Solutions procedures.” - Shannon Barnes, Field Claims Supervisor

"Claims adjusters are working with insureds by gathering precision planting and harvesting information to work claims that have been opened for insurable causes of loss. If the insured is not sure what the requirements are for a Precision Claim, their adjuster can explain what precision information is needed, such as acceptable planting maps, harvest maps, and calibration reports." - Shannon Barnes, Field Claims Supervisor

ryan_circleACR Specialists
“Currently, we are helping agents process precision harvest data if they have it and/or helping them get production on their policies to get a production report. We are also assisting agents with map books or wall maps. In addition to agent support, we test mapping system issues and enhancements for IT.” – Ryan Harris, ACR Specialist


patrick_circlePrecision Technology Specialists (PTS)
“We are generally offering support for agents and farmers in regards to their precision production data. We try to see agents when they are available to meet, and also visit with farmers who are done harvesting (or have been stopped by rain). Once harvest is done, agent visits hit full swing. We will either speak at farmer meetings, or meet with the farmers individually at their farm. We also take this time to help new agents get set up with ACR, along with talking with current precision agents to continue the adoption of FMH Precision Solutions.” - Patrick Temple, Precision Technology Specialist