Celebrating Values

Though technology has drastically changed our processes, and our products have evolved to meet the needs of modern farming, the one thing that has remained the same for 125 years are the people that work every day to make FMH the best it can be.

Though technology has drastically changed our processes, and our products have evolved to meet the needs of modern farming, the one thing that has remained the same for 125 years are the people that work every day to make FMH the best it can be.

Our employees exemplify the five core values of the organization in their roles, and truly show that the foundation of who we are rests on these values and are what make us successful. For our final 125 feature article, we want to showcase some of the people that make FMH the company it is today, and the values they – and the company – represent.

"One of the reasons we’ve been around as long as we have is that the principles the company was founded on are still here today. Our core values of integrity, service, accountability, teamwork, and excellence really are central to everything we do. It’s something that we promote to our employees and share with our business partners, and we’ll continue to stand by them because we think that separates us from the crowd."

- Ron Rutledge, President & CEO


PinnockTerrell_web - CopyTerrell Pinnock, Adjuster
6 years of service
“Integrity means the golden rule applies here. When working a claim, we must get the facts, verify the acres, production, and cause of loss, and search for any other contributing factors which might have led to a reduction in production. It may seem like a lot, but we have many tools to use, and if we don’t do our jobs, we are short changing either the company, our insureds, or
the RMA.

Integrity as a core value is the same as starting with a good structural foundation for a building. The builders of OUR company wanted it to withstand 125 years and more, and integrity is part of that foundation.”


HoffSara2_web - CopySara Hoff, P&C Underwriter II
19 years of service
“Good service is essential in our company’s success and it is a top priority for all of us. Being available, respectful, and perceptive to our agent partners helps to retain and build good relationships that last for many years.

Technology enables FMH to grow and serve our customers more efficiently, but it is still necessary to keep that personal touch in the day-to-day interactions with agents to help build a long-lasting trust.

Listening to what our agents want or need and knowing our product offerings is vital to providing the best service.”


ShaikRafeeq3_web - Copy

Rafeeq Shaik, AVP – IT 10 years of service
“Accountability pushes us to meet our obligations to our customers, team, company, and the community at large.

Our commitment is to care for our customers’ needs and keep them happy. Their feedback is very important as it gives us the opportunity to put ourselves in their shoes – to think from their perspective while we design and develop system functions that are easy, efficient to use, and to their satisfaction. Accountability means we aim to have satisfied customers – and a satisfied customer is a happy customer!”




BertzKelly_web - CopyKelly Bertz, District Sales Manager
1 year of service
“We at FMH have a greater sense of responsibility in creating unity between ourselves and our agents. We focus on what matters to them. We listen to their needs, how they want to drive their business, and find ways to help them reach their goals together. We want them to succeed so we can succeed. Whether its growth, diversity, or succession planning, we at FMH can help them see ‘the cornfield through the stalks’, so to speak! I’ve only been with the company a year, but I can see the profound care FMH has for its agents and employees. The base of our company lies with the relationships and teamwork we build – and it’s a strong one!”


BurkettChris3 - CopyChris Burkett, Manager – Product Analytics
5 years of service
“It is important for excellence to be a value of the company because it continuously challenges us at FMH to grow and explore new possibilities that will benefit our customers. We need to offer them products and solutions that will allow them to continue operating for years to come, as well as want to be repeat customers supporting FMH’s longevity.

Developing products and rates is as much an art form as it is science-based. There are many factors that must be weighed against one another: economic outlook for our customers, competitive landscape, actuarial principles, financial stability, state laws/statutes, and so on. At the end of the day, a good balance of all these factors will benefit all parties involved – from our customers, to our agents, to our financial stability as a company."