Tracy Recognized by Farmers Union Agency

Dakota Tracy, FMH District Sales Manager II was recently recognized by Farmers Union Agency as a WOW Warrior...

Dakota Tracy“One of Farmers Union Agency’s core values is exemplifying the WOW factor in the way we conduct business, in our company partnerships, and how we strive to provide our customers and agents the best possible service. To that end, we want to extend our gratitude to those who do the same for us,” noted the agency on their LinkedIn page.

Farmers Mutual Hail is proud to see our employees recognized by our agency partners for their knowledge and service. Congratulations, Dakota!

“Dakota’s knowledge and guidance has been essential to our agents writing perennial Pasture, Rangeland and Forage (PRF) policies for our customers, and we’re grateful for his assistance. Thanks for the great job you do for us day in and day out, Dakota!" - Farmers Union Agency