FMH Congratulates and Welcomes First Data Scientists

FMH congratulates Dustin Casey and Aaron Kuethe on graduating from Bellevue University last January with their Masters of Data Science degrees.

Dusty serves as Business Intelligence (BI) Data Operations Supervisor and Aaron also serves in a leadership role as BI Analytics Manager.

Both employees have been working on their degrees since 2018 while working full time in the newly created Business Intelligence department.

As FMH’s first data scientists, Dusty and Aaron are instrumental in analyzing business data to drive increased profits companywide. They are responsible for working with data in private product development and rating, designating funds for assumed MPCI risk, and claim reserving.

“Each of these processes has a large impact on FMH’s bottom line,” said Candy Magee, Senior Vice President – Business Intelligence.

Dusty explained, “We currently model claim loss reserving and fund designation using the plethora of different data sources we have available. This means we are evaluating the risk of the policies we have and are trying to predict the probability of a loss and how large it might be.”

FMH is much like other employers around the world who are inundated with massive amounts of data at a much more granular level. After data analysts and engineers collect the data, data scientists like Dusty and Aaron further analyze it using statistics, probability, and other actuarial methods to find data patterns and even make predictions.

At last year’s FMH Annual Meeting, Executive Vice President – Chief Risk Officer, Ron Kuethe, emphasized how there is usually a story hidden within data. He highlighted how FMH’s data scientists use advanced software tools to glean out useful information to tell those stories. These efforts, along with the efforts of the entire BI Department, help provide datasupported perspectives for FMH leadership to consider when making strategic decisions, improving efficiency gains, and product profitability.

"It's challenging, but also very exciting and rewarding at the same time. With data science being an emerging field, it is constantly evolving and changing. It is incredibly rewarding to work for a company who buys into the data and analytics that can be taken from it." - Aaron Kuethe BI Analytics Manager