Spotlight on Agribusiness Coverage Successes

As an ag-focused brokerage, our goal is to tailor a risk management plan to fit each operation.

Sometimes this may be one comprehensive policy, or a full portfolio of layered policies to achieve the most inclusive plan available.

ABS makes this process easy due to a single broker working multiple lines to present a comprehensive solution on a single account. Our brokers handle the whole account, and our agents only have to work with a single person. We do the heavy lifting of finding the right coverage and building the right plan for their insured. Here’s a few recent agribusiness coverage successes through Ag Brokerage Solutions.


Large Beef and Grain Operation

  • Details: 20,000-acre grain farm and $5m beef cattle operation in Iowa
  • Coverages: Property and General Liability coverages
  • Premium: $500,000
  • TIV: $25.5m



Hog Confinement BuildingsDetails: 5 Hog finishing barns in Minnesota
  • Coverages: Property
  • Premium: $39,000
  • TIV: $2,495,000



Poultry Confinement
  • Details: Six Poultry Confinement Buildings in Iowa
  • Coverages: General Liability, Property, and Excess
  • Premium: $100,000 premium
  • TIV: $4,578,000



Dairy Operation
  • Details: Dairy Operation with 8,000 Head of Cattle in Iowa
  • Coverages: Property and Excess
  • Premium: $371,000 premium
  • TIV: $40m



Large Grain Operation
  • Details: Large grain handling system for 20,000 acres in Nebraska
  • Coverages: Property
  • Premium: $189,000
  • TIV: $15,101,329