Spring 2015 Reminders

2015 Spring Cancellation and SCD, Production Reporting Date, Yield Exclusion Option, Replant Supplement, and Unpaid 2014 Policies important dates and reminders.


2015 Spring Cancellation and SCD
Since March 15 falls on a Sunday this year, March 16 will be the official 2015 spring cancellation and sales closing date for most crops and states. All crop insurance applications, Beginning Farmer Rancher applications, change forms, and transfers must be signed on or before this important date. Please review the Special Provisions of Insurance to review the dates for each state, county, and crop.

Production Reporting Date
As an additional reminder, the production reporting date is the earlier of the acreage reporting date or 45 calendar days after the earliest cancellation date for the crop. As such, the latest date to sign production reports is April 29 for those crops that have a March 15 cancellation date.

Yield Exclusion (YE) Option
The Yield Exclusion (YE) option is new for the 2015 crop year. This option must be elected by the sales closing date and when elected, all eligible yields are excluded by default; however, the producer can opt out of excluding any eligible yield by the production reporting date. To do so, we are allowing the following methodologies:

  1. Print off a new production report in the doc manager of eCrop showing the new YE column, and check-mark the box to opt out of a yield and year.
  2. Use the 2015 production reporting form or 2014 Schedule of Insurance, and make note in the remarks area of which years to opt out.
  3. If it’s a new transfer to FMH, we will accept use of another Insurance Providers production report, and make note of the years to opt out of in the remarks area.

All opt-out information must either be signed by the individual database itself or on the signature page and dated by the production reporting date. Please contact your state underwriter if you have additional questions.

Replant Supplement
Replant Supplement applications/renewals must be fully completed and signed by March 16 and are due in the home office on or before March 31. Arkansas Replant Supplement applications must be fully completed and signed by February 28 and received in the home office on or before March 16.

Unpaid 2014 Policies
03-15-2015 Termination Date for unpaid 2014 policies – All payments must be postmarked by Monday March 16. Be sure and keep a copy of any check mailed to the Home Office for proof of mailing.