FMH offers several MPCI endorsements and options for extra protection, from county level coverage to hurricane force winds and specialty crops.
Policy Options
Enhanced Coverage Option
ECO provides area-based coverage for a portion of the deductible of your underlying policy, with top-end coverage levels up to a 95% level.
Hurricane Insurance Protection
The Hurricane Insurance Protection-Wind Index (HIP-WI) Endorsement offers extra protection from hurricane force winds when combined with an underlying crop insurance policy.
Post-Application Coverage Endorsement
PACE provides extra coverage for projected yield lost when you are unable to post-apply nitrogen due to field conditions created by adverse weather.
Stacked Income Protection
The Stacked Income Protection Plan (STAX) is a crop insurance product for upland cotton that provides coverage for a portion of the expected revenue for your area.
Supplemental Coverage Option
The Supplemental Coverage Option is a county-level revenue-based or yield-based optional endorsement with coverage levels up to 86%.