The funding and private delivery method of the federal crop insurance program faces scrutiny at times, especially when the federal budget and Farm Bill are on the table. Despite their opponents, a survey commissioned by National Crop Insurance Services (NCIS) shows that Americans overwhelmingly support farmers, farm policy, and the current crop insurance program.
The survey was conducted with 1,000 registered voters who were asked their position on the government’s aid of farmers, particularly when it comes to crop insurance subsidies. The results showed that most Americans, regardless of party affiliation, are in support of farmers and the way federally funded crop insurance provides a safety net to protect the ag economy and livelihood of farmers.
Crop insurance has a major impact on the rural economy by helping farmers manage risk and prevent dramatic loss. With no control over weather and marketing prices, farmers need a reliable safety net during times of disaster or when commodity prices fluctuate.
FMH is proud to provide this assurance to America’s farmers, protecting their investment and future.
The entire poll can be found on