Boost Revenue, Supplement MPCI Coverage, Provide Additional Coverage

FMH Exclusive


Boost Revenue, Supplement MPCI Coverage, Provide Additional Coverage

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RAMP Overview

Revenue Accelerator Max Protection (RAMP) gives you the opportunity to boost revenues at specific risk levels within your risk management plan, including triggers up to 95 percent. RAMP supplements your MPCI coverage and is designed to help provide additional coverage for when production and/or revenue losses are just over or under your MPCI guarantee.

How Ramp Works

  • Partners with a Revenue Protection policy or Yield Protection policy with either an optional or enterprise unit structure.
  • RAMP Yield includes bushel loss protection only, while RAMP Revenue includes bushel and revenue loss protection.
  • If MPCI is with another AIP, FMH will require the summary of coverage and current crop year acreage report.
  • RAMP is offered as a private product by FMH and is not reinsured by the FCIC.
  • Coverage under this policy is non-continuous and must be purchased and approved by FMH each crop year.

    What are the Benefits


    RAMP® is available in select counties and select crops.

    States Available (In Select Counties)
    Corn/SoybeansAL, AR, CO, DE, GA, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MD, MI, MN, MS, MT,  MO, NE, NC, ND, OH, OK, PA, SC, SD,TN, VA, WI, WV; ID (corn-only)
    Fall WheatKS, MT, SD
    Spring WheatMT, ND

    Talk to your FMH agent

    about how you can strengthen, supplement, or build onto your coverage with RAMP today!