Extra Harvest Expense is another optional Crop Hail endorsement that covers damage by wind that results in additional harvest expense.


Extra Harvest Expense

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Extra Harvest Expense Overview

Extra Harvest Expense is an optional Crop Hail endorsement that covers damage by wind that results in additional harvest expense. It does not provide coverage for green snap or wind.

Damaged harvested acres must be more than 20% of the field or 20 acres in the field to qualify for a claim. Extra Harvest Expense pays 8% of the coverage per acre, or $80 per acre, whichever is less, for harvested qualified acres blown down by wind. Extra harvest expense is not paid on any acreage that is not harvested.

How Extra Harvest Expense Works

  • The crop acreage insured under this endorsement must also be insured under a Yield Protection, Revenue Protection, or Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion policy with FMH or another Approved Insurance Provider (AIP).
  • If MPCI is with another AIP, FMH will require the summary of coverage and current crop year acreage report.
  • Offered on an MPCI unit basis for select crops at 110 –120% of insured’s APH (check with your FMH agent for crop and modified APH availability).
  • Insured’s APH and MPCI levels are used to determine the Total Coverage and premium.
  • An indemnity payment is based on the actual hail loss and the final production to count.
  • Coverage terminates December 31.

Extra Harvest Expense Protection Availability

Coverage varies by state, check with your FMH agent for availability and termination dates.

What Are The Benefits?


Allows producer to protect crop against hail loss up to 120% of the producer's APH


Covers the gap created by yield and revenue policies


Ideal for producers that generally do not purchase private hail insurance due to cost or other factors